
Mouflon Sheep

One of the world’s smallest wild sheep, resembling a slim domestic sheep except that it has a normal coat of hair, any wool being concealed beneath. Upper parts are reddish-brown with a pale (almost white) saddle patch in the winter coat. Underparts, rump, lower legs and muzzle are white. There is dark neck ruff but no bib. The horns usually grow in a tight circle, with the tips turned inward toward the face and broomed back to about a three-quarter curl. In a purebred European mouflon, the tip-to-tip spread should not be the widest spread. Females sometimes grow small horns, but usually do not.

In Croatia, Bosnia, Macedonia and Macedonia.

Barbary Sheep

Biologically intermediate between a sheep and a goat, the aoudad is a strongly built animal with a short mane on neck and shoulders, and long, flowing hair on throat, chest, forelegs (where it forms pantaloons or chaps) and tail. Overall coloration is sandy brown with paler underparts. The thick, sheeplike horns (both sexes) are triangular in section and supracervical, which means they curve to form a semicircle above the neck.

Spain and Macedonia.


Four-horn Sheep

A breed, or breeds, of short-tailed, woolly domestic sheep in which the male normally has four horns, though sometimes as many as five or six. The two upper horns are larger and can grow in almost any direction; the two lower horns are smaller and are usually mouflon-shaped. A great variety of horn configurations can occur, even in the same flock. Multi-horned sheep come in a variety of colors, including shades of black, brown, gray and white, and many individuals are piebald (spotted or blotched).

In Southern Europe.

Dalmatian Sheep

Dalmatian sheep are native to the Dalmatian Islands off the Croatian coast. For centuries they were used domestically by peasants, but in the 18th Century, most of the people left the islands to find jobs on the mainland. Since that time these sheep have gone back to the wild and are extremely wary.

Racka Sheep

The Racka or Hortobágy Racka Sheep is a breed of sheep known for its unusual spiral-shaped horns. These unique appendages are unlike any other domestic sheep horns, and may grow up to 2.0 ft long.

In Serbia and in Macedonia.